Midnight Flare Azalea

New life nursery & garden


Midnight Flare Azalea

Rhododendron x 'Midnight Flare'


An evergreen variety with striking tomato red blooms that cover the plant in mid spring; Midnight Flare Azalea is an open multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with an upright spreading habit of growth. Its relatively coarse texture can be used to stand it apart from other landscape plants with finer foliage. This is a relatively low maintenance shrub, and should only be pruned after flowering to avoid removing any of the current season's flowers. makes an impressive border or low screen. A flower display you cant help but notice, even from a distance these plants in bloom are spectacular! Great for use in shade gardens and woodland plantings.


Mature Height : 3-4 Feet

Mature Width : 3-4 Feet

Exposure : shade to partial sun

Hardiness Zones : 6-9

100% FREE SHIPPING On Everything !!

NOTE - For all plants currently listed in Quart size ( 1 QT ) and Trade Gallon ( 2.5 QT ) nursery pots. we will be removing plants from plastic pots and placing in fabric grow bags for shipping. this will begin on certain products NOW as we run trials but should be in full effect very soon - Deliveries to CA, OR, WA, AZ, UT, ID, NV, MT, ND, SD will be shipped Bareroot.